Secondary Sanitation


Sentry UV Systems

ChlorKing®’s line of SENTRY ultraviolet light (UV) systems are designed and manufactured specifically for commercial swimming pools and spas. This cost effective line of low pressure high output amalgam systems offer complete chloramines control for your indoor facility, as well as protection from pathogens such as cryptosporidium, e-coli etc.

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ETS UV Systems

The Neptune Benson ETS range of products offers medium pressure, multiple lamp (typically 2 or 4) advanced disinfection system that encompasses a vast dose range for a variety of flows in numerous applications.


Pulsar CRS System

Adding CRS to your own filtration system is easy. Pulsar CRS supplies your pool with a continuous, full-strength application of a specially developed chemical to kill cryptosporidium, e-coli, etc. and is the only non UV secondary sanitation system accepted by the Texas aquatic health code.